- setAntithetic: (BOOL)antiT The setAntithetic method turns on or off antithetic output (default=off). Antithetic output is (unsignedMax - u) or (1.0 - d).
- setStateFromSeeds: (unsigned *)seeds The setStateFromSeeds method initializes the seed dependent part of the state from a vector of seed values.
- setStateFromSeed: (unsigned)seed The setStateFromSeed method initializes the seed dependent part of the state from a single seed value.
Phase: Using
- (unsigned)getUnsignedMax The getUnsignedMax method returns the highest value that will ever be returned by -getUnsignedSample (the lowest is 0).
- reset The -reset method sets the generator back to the state it had at start or at the last use of -setStateFromSeed(s). CurrentCount is zeroed.
- (unsigned)lengthOfSeedVector The lengthOfSeedVector method returns the number of seeds required if you wish to set the state directly.
- (unsigned *)getInitialSeeds The getInitialSeeds method returns a vector of the generator's starting seed values.
- (unsigned)getInitialSeed The getInitialSeed method returns the value of the generator's starting seed.
- (unsigned *)getMaxSeedValues The getMaxSeedValues method returns a vector of upper limits on the seed values that can be supplied.
- (unsigned)getMaxSeedValue The getMaxSeedValue method returns the upper limit on the seed value that can be supplied.
- (BOOL)getAntithetic The getAntithetic method returns the current values of the parameter.