Source code for bareos.bsock.lowlevel

#   BAREOS - Backup Archiving REcovery Open Sourced
#   Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Bareos GmbH & Co. KG
#   This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
#   modify it under the terms of version three of the GNU Affero General Public
#   License as published by the Free Software Foundation and included
#   in the file LICENSE.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   Affero General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
#   02110-1301, USA.

Low Level socket methods to communicate with a Bareos Daemon.

# Authentication code is taken from

import hashlib
import hmac
import logging
import random
import re
from select import select
import socket
import ssl
import struct
import sys
import time
import warnings

from bareos.bsock.constants import Constants
from bareos.bsock.connectiontype import ConnectionType
from bareos.bsock.protocolmessageids import ProtocolMessageIds
from bareos.bsock.protocolmessages import ProtocolMessages
from bareos.bsock.protocolversions import ProtocolVersions
from bareos.util.bareosbase64 import BareosBase64
from bareos.util.password import Password
import bareos.exceptions

# Try to load the sslpsk module,
# with implement TLS-PSK (Transport Layer Security - Pre-Shared-Key)
# on top of the ssl module.
# If it is not available, we continue anyway,
# but don't use TLS-PSK.
    import sslpsk
except ImportError:
        "Connection encryption via TLS-PSK is not available, as the module sslpsk is not installed."

[docs]class LowLevel(object): """ Low Level socket methods to communicate with a Bareos Daemon. This class should not be used by itself, only by inherited classed. """
[docs] @staticmethod def argparser_get_bareos_parameter(args): """Extract arguments. This method is usally used together with the method :py:func:`argparser_add_default_command_line_arguments`. Args: args (ArgParser.Namespace): Arguments retrieved by :py:func:`ArgumentParser.parse_args`. Returns: dict: The relevant parameter from args to initialize a connection. """ result = {} for key, value in vars(args).items(): if value is not None: if key.startswith("BAREOS_"): bareoskey = key.split("BAREOS_", 1)[1] result[bareoskey] = value return result
def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.logger.debug("init") self.status = None self.address = None self.password = None self.pam_username = None self.pam_password = None self.port = None self.dirname = None self.socket = None self.auth_credentials_valid = False self.max_reconnects = 0 self.tls_psk_enable = True self.tls_psk_require = False try: self.tls_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS except AttributeError: self.tls_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 self.connection_type = None self.requested_protocol_version = None self.protocol_messages = ProtocolMessages() # identity_prefix have to be set in each class self.identity_prefix = "R_NONE" self.receive_buffer = b"" def __del__(self): self.close()
[docs] def connect( self, address, port, dirname, connection_type, name=None, password=None ): """Establish a network connection and authenticate. Args: address (str): Address of the Bareos Director (hostname or IP). port (int): Port number of the Bareos Director. dirname (str, optional): Name of the Bareos Director. Deprecated, normally not required. connection_type (int): See :py:class:`bareos.bsock.connectiontype.ConnectionType`. name (str, optional): Credential name. password (str, bareos.util.Password): Credential password, in cleartext or as Password object. Returns: bool: True, if the authentication succeeds. In earlier versions, authentication failures returned False. However, now an authentication failure raises an exception. Raises: bareos.exceptions.ConnectionError: If connection can be established. bareos.exceptions.PamAuthenticationError: If PAM authentication fails. bareos.exceptions.AuthenticationError: If Bareos authentication fails. """ self.address = address self.port = int(port) if dirname: self.dirname = dirname else: self.dirname = address self.connection_type = connection_type = name if password is None: raise bareos.exceptions.ConnectionError("Parameter 'password' is required.") if isinstance(password, Password): self.password = password else: self.password = Password(password) return self.__connect()
def __connect(self): connected = False connected_plain = False auth = False if self.tls_psk_require: if not self.is_tls_psk_available(): raise bareos.exceptions.ConnectionError( "TLS-PSK is required, but sslpsk module not loaded/available." ) if not self.tls_psk_enable: raise bareos.exceptions.ConnectionError( "TLS-PSK is required, but not enabled." ) if self.tls_psk_enable and self.is_tls_psk_available(): try: self.__connect_tls_psk() except (bareos.exceptions.ConnectionError, ssl.SSLError) as e: self._handleSocketError(e) if self.tls_psk_require: raise else: self.logger.warning( "Failed to connect via TLS-PSK. Trying plain connection." ) else: connected = True self.logger.debug("Encryption: {0}".format(self.socket.cipher())) if not connected: self.__connect_plain() connected = True connected_plain = True self.logger.debug("Encryption: None") if connected: try: auth = self.auth() except bareos.exceptions.PamAuthenticationError: raise except bareos.exceptions.AuthenticationError: if ( self.connection_type == ConnectionType.DIRECTOR and self.requested_protocol_version is None and self.get_protocol_version() > ProtocolVersions.bareos_12_4 ): # reconnect and try old protocol self.logger.warning( "Failed to connect using protocol version {0}. Trying protocol version {1}. ".format( self.get_protocol_version(), ProtocolVersions.bareos_12_4 ) ) self.close() self.__connect_plain() self.protocol_messages.set_version(ProtocolVersions.bareos_12_4) auth = self.auth() else: raise return auth def __connect_plain(self): self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # initialize try: self.socket.connect((self.address, self.port)) except (socket.error, socket.gaierror) as e: self._handleSocketError(e) raise bareos.exceptions.ConnectionError( "Failed to connect to host {0}, port {1}: {2}".format( self.address, self.port, str(e) ) ) self.logger.debug("connected to {0}:{1}".format(self.address, self.port)) return True def __connect_tls_psk(self): """ Connect and establish a TLS-PSK connection on top of the connection. """ self.__connect_plain() # wrap socket with TLS-PSK client_socket = self.socket identity = self.get_tls_psk_identity() if isinstance(self.password, Password): password = self.password.md5() else: raise bareos.exceptions.ConnectionError("No password provided.") self.logger.debug("identity = {0}, password = {1}".format(identity, password)) try: self.socket = sslpsk.wrap_socket( client_socket, ssl_version=self.tls_version, ciphers="ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH", psk=(password, identity), server_side=False, ) except ssl.SSLError as e: # raise ConnectionError( # "failed to connect to host {0}, port {1}: {2}".format(self.address, self.port, str(e))) # Using a general raise keep more information about the type of error. raise return True
[docs] def get_tls_psk_identity(self): """Bareos TLS-PSK excepts the identiy is a specific format.""" name = str( if isinstance(, bytes): name ="utf-8") result = "{0}{1}{2}".format( self.identity_prefix, Constants.record_separator, name ) return bytes(bytearray(result, "utf-8"))
[docs] @staticmethod def is_tls_psk_available(): """Checks if we have all required modules for TLS-PSK.""" return "sslpsk" in sys.modules
[docs] def get_protocol_version(self): """Get the Bareos Console protocol version that is used. Returns: int: Number that represents the Bareos Console protocol version (see :py:class:`bareos.bsock.protocolversions.ProtocolVersions`.) """ return self.protocol_messages.get_version()
[docs] def get_cipher(self): """ If a encrypted connection is used, returns information about the encryption. Else it returns None. Returns: tuple or None: Returns a three-value tuple containing the name of the cipher being used, the version of the SSL protocol that defines its use, and the number of secret bits being used. If the connection is unencrypted or has been established, returns None. """ if hasattr(self.socket, "cipher"): return self.socket.cipher() else: return None
[docs] def auth(self): """ Login to a Bareos Daemon. Returns: bool: True, if the authentication succeeds. In earlier versions, authentication failures returned False. However, now an authentication failure raises an exception. Raises: bareos.exceptions.AuthenticationError: if authentication fails. """ bashed_name = self.protocol_messages.hello(, type=self.connection_type) # send the bash to the director self.send(bashed_name) try: (ssl, result_compatible, result) = self._cram_md5_respond( password=self.password.md5(), tls_remote_need=0 ) except bareos.exceptions.SignalReceivedException as e: self._handleSocketError(e) raise bareos.exceptions.AuthenticationError( "Received unexcepted signal: {0}".format(str(e)) ) if not result: raise bareos.exceptions.AuthenticationError("failed (in response)") if not self._cram_md5_challenge(, password=self.password.md5(), tls_local_need=0, compatible=True, ): raise bareos.exceptions.AuthenticationError("failed (in challenge)") self._finalize_authentication() return self.auth_credentials_valid
[docs] def receive_and_evaluate_response_message(self): """Retrieve a message and evaluate it. Only used during in the authentication phase. Returns: 2-tuple: (code, text). """ regex_str = r"^(\d\d\d\d){0}(.*)$".format( Constants.record_separator_compat_regex ) regex = bytes(bytearray(regex_str, "utf8")) incoming_message = self.recv_msg(regex) match =, incoming_message, re.DOTALL) code = int( text = return (code, text)
def _init_connection(self): pass
[docs] def close(self): """Close the connection.""" if self.socket is not None: self.socket.close() self.socket = None
[docs] def reconnect(self): """ Tries to reconnect. Returns: bool: True, if the connection could be reestablished. """ result = False if self.max_reconnects > 0: try: self.max_reconnects -= 1 if self.__connect() and self._init_connection(): result = True except (socket.error, bareos.exceptions.ConnectionLostError): self.logger.warning("failed to reconnect") return result
[docs] def call(self, command): """Call a Bareos command. Args: command (str or list): Command to execute. Best provided as a list. Returns: bytes: Result received from the Daemon. """ if isinstance(command, list): command = " ".join(command) return self._send_a_command_and_receive_result(command)
def _send_a_command_and_receive_result(self, command): """Send a command and receive the result. If connection is lost, try to reconnect. Args: command (str or list): Command to execute. Best provided as a list. Returns: bytes: Result received from the Daemon. Raises: bareos.exceptions.SocketEmptyHeader: if an empty header is received. bareos.exceptions.ConnectionLostError: if the connection is lost- """ result = b"" try: self.send(bytearray(command, "utf-8")) result = self.recv_msg() except ( bareos.exceptions.SocketEmptyHeader, bareos.exceptions.ConnectionLostError, ) as e: self.logger.error( "connection problem (%s): %s" % (type(e).__name__, str(e)) ) if self.reconnect(): return self._send_a_command_and_receive_result(command, count + 1) else: raise return result
[docs] def send_command(self, command): """Alias for :py:func:`call`. :deprecated: 15.2.0 """ return
[docs] def send(self, msg=None): """Send message to the Daemon. Args: msg (bytearray): Message to send. """ self.__check_socket_connection() msg_len = len(msg) # plus the msglen info try: # convert to network flow self.logger.debug("{0}".format(msg.rstrip())) self.socket.sendall(struct.pack("!i", msg_len) + msg) except socket.error as e: self._handleSocketError(e)
[docs] def recv_bytes(self, length, timeout=10): """Receive a number of bytes. Args: length (int): Number of bytes to receive. timeout (float): Timeout in seconds. Raises: bareos.exceptions.ConnectionLostError: If the socket connection gets lost. socket.timeout: If a timeout occurs on the socket connection, meaning no data received. """ self.socket.settimeout(timeout) msg = b"" # get the message while length > 0: self.logger.debug("expecting {0} bytes.".format(length)) submsg = self.socket.recv(length) if len(submsg) == 0: errormsg = "Failed to retrieve data. Assuming the connection is lost." self._handleSocketError(errormsg) raise bareos.exceptions.ConnectionLostError(errormsg) length -= len(submsg) msg += submsg return msg
[docs] def recv(self): """Receive a single message. This is, header (4 bytes): if * > 0: length of the following message * < 0: Bareos signal Returns: bytearray: Message retrieved via the connection. Raises: bareos.exceptions.SignalReceivedException: If a Bareos signal is received. """ self.__check_socket_connection() # get the message header header = self.__get_header() if header <= 0: self.logger.debug("header: " + str(header)) raise bareos.exceptions.SignalReceivedException(header) # get the message length = header msg = self.recv_submsg(length) return msg
[docs] def recv_msg(self, regex=b"^\\d\\d\\d\\d OK.*$"): """Receive a full message. It retrieves messages (header + message text), until 1. the message contains the specified regex or 2. the header indicates a signal. Args: regex (bytes): Descripes the expected end of the message. Returns: bytearray: Message retrieved via the connection. Raises: bareos.exceptions.SignalReceivedException: If a Bareos signal is received. """ self.__check_socket_connection() try: timeouts = 0 while True: # get the message header try: header = self.__get_header() except (socket.timeout, ssl.SSLError) as exception: # When using a SSL connection, # a timeout is raised as # ssl.SSLError exception with message: 'The read operation timed out'. # ssl.SSLError is inherited from socket.error. # Because we can't be sure, # that it is really a timeout, we log it. if isinstance(exception, ssl.SSLError) and self.logger.isEnabledFor( logging.DEBUG ): # self.logger.exception('On SSL connections, timeout are raised as ssl.SSLError exceptions:') self.logger.debug("{0}".format(repr(exception))) self.logger.debug("timeout (%i) on receiving header" % (timeouts)) timeouts += 1 else: if header <= 0: # header is a signal self.__set_status(header) if self.is_end_of_message(header): result = self.receive_buffer self.receive_buffer = b"" return result else: # header is the length of the next message length = header submsg = self.recv_submsg(length) # check for regex in new submsg # and last line in old message, # which might have been incomplete without new submsg. lastlineindex = self.receive_buffer.rfind(b"\n") + 1 self.receive_buffer += submsg match = regex, self.receive_buffer[lastlineindex:], re.DOTALL ) # Bareos indicates end of command result by line starting with 4 digits if match: self.logger.debug( 'msg "{0}" matches regex "{1}"'.format( self.receive_buffer.strip(), regex ) ) result = self.receive_buffer[ 0 : lastlineindex + match.end() ] self.receive_buffer = self.receive_buffer[ lastlineindex + match.end() + 1 : ] return result except socket.error as e: self._handleSocketError(e)
[docs] def recv_submsg(self, length): """Retrieve a message of the specific length. Args: length (int): Number of bytes to retrieve. Returns: bytearray: Retrieved message. """ msg = self.recv_bytes(length) if type(msg) is str: msg = bytearray(msg.decode("utf-8", "replace"), "utf-8") if type(msg) is bytes: msg = bytearray(msg) self.logger.debug(str(msg)) return msg
[docs] def interactive(self): """Enter the interactive mode. Exit via typing "exit" or "quit". Returns: bool: True, if exited by user command. """ command = "" while command != "exit" and command != "quit" and self.is_connected(): try: command = self._get_input() except EOFError: return False try: if command == "exit" or command == "quit": return True resultmsg = self._show_result(resultmsg) except bareos.exceptions.JsonRpcErrorReceivedException as exp: print(str(exp)) # print(str(exp.jsondata)) return True
def _get_input(self): # Wrapper to retrieve user keyboard input. # Python2: raw_input, Python3: input try: myinput = raw_input except NameError: myinput = input data = myinput(">>") return data def _show_result(self, msg): # print(msg.decode('utf-8')) sys.stdout.write(msg.decode("utf-8", "replace")) # add a linefeed, if there isn't one already if len(msg) >= 2: if msg[-2] != ord(b"\n"): sys.stdout.write("\n") def __get_header(self, timeout=10): header = self.recv_bytes(4, timeout) return self.__get_header_data(header) def __get_header_data(self, header): # struct.unpack: # !: network (big/little endian conversion) # i: integer (4 bytes) data = struct.unpack("!i", header)[0] return data
[docs] def is_end_of_message(self, data): """Checks if a Bareos signal indicates the end of a message. Args: data (int): Negative integer. Returns: bool: True, if regular end of message is reached. """ return ( (not self.is_connected()) or data == Constants.BNET_EOD or data == Constants.BNET_TERMINATE or data == Constants.BNET_MAIN_PROMPT or data == Constants.BNET_SUB_PROMPT )
[docs] def is_connected(self): """Verifes that last status still indicates connected. Returns: bool: True, if still connected. """ return self.status != Constants.BNET_TERMINATE
def _cram_md5_challenge( self, clientname, password, tls_local_need=0, compatible=True ): """ client launch the challenge, client confirm the dir is the correct director """ # get the timestamp # here is the console # to confirm the director so can do this on bconsole`way rand = random.randint(1000000000, 9999999999) # chal = "<%u.%u@%s>" %(rand, int(time.time()), self.dirname) chal = "<%u.%u@%s>" % (rand, int(time.time()), clientname) msg = bytearray("auth cram-md5 %s ssl=%d\n" % (chal, tls_local_need), "utf-8") # send the confirmation self.send(msg) # get the response msg = self.recv() if msg[-1] == 0: del msg[-1] self.logger.debug("received: " + str(msg)) # hash with password hmac_md5 =, None, hashlib.md5) hmac_md5.update(bytes(bytearray(chal, "utf-8"))) bbase64compatible = BareosBase64().string_to_base64( bytearray(hmac_md5.digest()), True ) bbase64notcompatible = BareosBase64().string_to_base64( bytearray(hmac_md5.digest()), False ) self.logger.debug("string_to_base64, compatible: " + str(bbase64compatible)) self.logger.debug( "string_to_base64, not compatible: " + str(bbase64notcompatible) ) is_correct = (msg == bbase64compatible) or (msg == bbase64notcompatible) # check against compatible base64 and Bareos specific base64 if is_correct: self.send(ProtocolMessages.auth_ok()) else: self.logger.error( "expected result: %s or %s, but get %s" % (bbase64compatible, bbase64notcompatible, msg) ) self.send(ProtocolMessages.auth_failed()) # check the response is equal to base64 return is_correct def _cram_md5_respond(self, password, tls_remote_need=0, compatible=True): """ client connect to dir, the dir confirm the password and the config is correct """ # receive from the director chal = "" ssl = 0 result = False msg = "" try: msg = self.recv() except RuntimeError: self.logger.error("RuntimeError exception in recv") return (0, True, False) # invalid username if ProtocolMessages.is_not_authorized(msg): self.logger.error("failed: " + str(msg)) return (0, True, False) # check the receive message self.logger.debug("(recv): " + str(msg).rstrip()) msg_list = msg.split(b" ") chal = msg_list[2] # get th timestamp and the tle info from director response ssl = int(msg_list[3][4]) compatible = True # hmac chal and the password hmac_md5 =, None, hashlib.md5) hmac_md5.update(bytes(chal)) # base64 encoding msg = BareosBase64().string_to_base64(bytearray(hmac_md5.digest())) # send the base64 encoding to director self.send(msg) received = self.recv() if ProtocolMessages.is_auth_ok(received): result = True else: self.logger.error("failed: " + str(received)) return (ssl, compatible, result) def __set_status(self, status): self.status = status status_text = Constants.get_description(status) self.logger.debug(str(status_text) + " (" + str(status) + ")")
[docs] def has_data(self): """Is readable data available? Returns: bool: True: if readable data is available. """ self.__check_socket_connection() timeout = 0.1 readable, writable, exceptional = select([self.socket], [], [], timeout) return readable
def _get_to_prompt(self): time.sleep(0.1) if self.has_data(): msg = self.recv_msg() self.logger.debug("received message: " + str(msg)) # TODO: check prompt return True def __check_socket_connection(self): result = True if self.socket is None: result = False if self.auth_credentials_valid: # connection have worked before, but now it is gone raise bareos.exceptions.ConnectionLostError( "currently no network connection" ) else: raise RuntimeError("should connect to director first before send data") return result def _handleSocketError(self, exception): self.logger.warning("socket error: {0}".format(str(exception))) self.close()