Welcome to the NetCologne GmbH open source mirroring service!

This machine mirrors various open-source projects. 20 Gbit/s uplink.

If there are any issues or you want another project mirrored, please contact mirror-service -=AT=- netcologne DOT de !

oRTP: OrtpRtcpXrConfiguration Struct Reference
oRTP  0.24.0
Data Fields
OrtpRtcpXrConfiguration Struct Reference

Data Fields

bool_t enabled
bool_t stat_summary_enabled
bool_t voip_metrics_enabled
OrtpRtcpXrRcvrRttMode rcvr_rtt_mode
int rcvr_rtt_max_size
OrtpRtcpXrStatSummaryFlag stat_summary_flags

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: