A generator of floating point values uniformly distributed across a half-open interval [min,max). (The interval includes the lower endpoint but excludes the upper endpoint.) NOTE: Setting minValue == maxValue is allowed (and returns minValue).
+ create: (id <Zone>)aZonesetGenerator: (id <SplitRandomGenerator>)splitGeneratorsetVirtualGenerator: (unsigned)vGensetDoubleMin: (double)minValuesetMax: (double)maxValue Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Split one:
+ create: (id <Zone>)aZonesetGenerator: (id <SimpleRandomGenerator>)simpleGeneratorsetDoubleMin: (double)minValuesetMax: (double)maxValue Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Simple one:
Phase: Setting
- setDoubleMin: (double)minValuesetMax: (double)maxValue The setDoubleMin:setMax method sets the minimum and maximum floating point values of the distribution.
Phase: Using
- (double)getDoubleWithMin: (double)minValuewithMax: (double)maxValue The getDoubleWithMin:withMax: method returns a floating point value within the range [min, max).
- (double)getDoubleMax The getDoubleMax method returns the maximum floating point value in the specified range.
- (double)getDoubleMin The getDoubleMin method returns the minimum floating point value in the specified range.