Warning: the error return behavior of these methods is fragile, only end of file is reported as an error. It is probably not wise to use use this inteface unless your text processing needs are very simple.
This class is (was) intended to simplify the input file-I/O in Swarm. It essentially deals with the detailed file opening and closing routines thus alleviating the need for C file I/O procedure calls.
+ create: (id <Zone>)aZonewithName: (const char *)theName for backward compatibility
+ create: (id <Zone>)aZonesetName: (const char *)theName This is the create method for InFiles, where theName is, of course the name of the file to open.
Phase: Using
- (void)drop The drop method must be called when the user wants to close the file. Only by dropping the InFile object will the file truly be closed.
- (int)skipLine Skips a line.
- (int)unGetChar: (char)aChar Returns a character for re-reading.
- (int)getChar: (char *)aChar The getChar: method takes a pointer of type char and loads it with an instance of that type from the open file. In case of failure, the method returns 0.
- (int)getFloat: (float *)aFloat The getFloat: method takes a pointer of type float and loads it with an instance of that type from the open file. In case of failure, the method returns 0.
- (int)getDouble: (double *)aDouble The getDouble: method takes a pointer of type double and loads it with an instance of that type from the open file. In case of failure, the method returns 0.
- (int)getUnsignedLong: (unsigned long *)anUnsLong The getUnsignedLong: method takes a pointer of type unsigned long and loads it with an instance of that type from the open file. In case of failure, the method returns 0.
- (int)getLong: (long *)aLong The getLong: method takes a pointer of type long and loads it with an instance of that type from the open file. In case of failure, the method returns 0.
- (int)getUnsigned: (unsigned *)anUnsigned The getUnsigned: method takes a pointer of type unsigned and loads it with an instance of that type from the open file. In case of failure, the method returns 0.
- (int)getInt: (int *)anInt The getInt: method takes a pointer of type Int and loads it with an instance of that type from the open file. In case of failure, the method returns 0.
- (int)getLine: (char *)aLine The getLine: method loads the argument string with the characters up to, but not including a newline character.
- (int)getWord: (char *)aWord The getWord: method returns a string that does not contain spaces, tabs, and newlines.