'mango shade'
a musicdisk by
beek / shadow
and of greengrapes
and of process5 :)


[it might interest you to know:]
        none of these songs were written that recently,
        except f]f h”ner des goldes.  this musicdisk
        had been sitting, unfinished on my harddrive
        for at least half a year to 3/4 of a year.
        anyway, i decided to release the majority of
        songs originally intended for the musicdisk,
        although they are a bit 'old', and even though
        i have improved quite a bit since the making
        of the songs.
[/interesting stuff]

major-ass greets to luv for helping me pick this name (grin).
this musicdisk won't be all new for some of you, since i
included some of my compo tunes (mc5, and gc).. BUT..
for those of you who have not heard those, this should be
pretty good.

i don't have much to say, but word to all of you in the scene.
werd to elizabeth, carlo, joaquin and jon. (and jim and lee, eh?)
and more =)


visit my page.. maybe i'll finish it one day.